
今日 : 4141
昨日 : 9393
総計 : 854340854340854340854340854340854340






  • 毎日体温のチェックを行ってください。
  • 体調不良を訴えるときは無理に登校させず、家庭で様子を見てください。37.5度を超える発熱の時は、必ず受診してください。
  • インフルエンザの感染がわかったら、すぐ学校に連絡してください。 ※インフルエンザの種類がわかりましたら併せてお知らせください。(インフルエンザA型、B型、新型インフルエンザ等)


  • 発熱 38.0以上
  • 咳、鼻水
  • 強い倦怠感、頭痛、筋肉痛、関節痛
  • 腹痛、下痢、嘔吐





  必ず、うがい 手洗いをしましょう


  • 外出するときはマスク(できれば帽子、ゴーグルも)をつける
  • 外から帰ったらうがいをする。
  • 外から帰ったら手洗いをする。 (それ以外にも、こまめに手洗いして、清潔なタオルで手を拭く)
  • 正しい手洗いの方法をご家庭で指導してください。
  • 爪を短くしてください。

      正しい手の洗い方  リンク (東京都感染症情報センター)


  • 鼻水が出ているときはマスクをする。
  • くしゃみをするときは口と鼻をティッシュで覆う。
  • くしゃみをするときは、周りの人から顔をそむける。 

       咳エチケット リンク  (東京都感染症情報センター)







4. 証明書の提出について   

 ※ 出席停止・解除の連絡用紙は病院か学校にあります。こちらからダウンロードすることもできます。(ワード文書ダウンロード

 『インフルエンザ』は、出席停止扱いとなり、医師の証明がないと 登校できません。医師により伝染の恐れがないと認められましたら、主治医に証明書に記入していただき、登校時に持たせて下さい。 学校保健法では「解熱した後2日を経過するまで」は登校を控えるようにと定められていましたが、「発症した後5日を経過し、かつ、解熱した後2日(幼児にあっては、3日)を経過するまで」と改正されました。医師の指示に従い、家庭にてしっかり休養してください。 

 (出席停止になる感染症にはインフルエンザ以外にもマイコプラズマ感染症、流行性嘔吐下痢症等いくつかあります。詳しくは Q&A をご覧ください。)


 ※インフルエンザ感染症について詳しく知りたい方は インフルエンザ総合対策 (日本医師会)をご覧ください。

可児市・御嵩町中学校組合立共和中学校 〒505-0125 岐阜県可児郡御嵩町伏見1875番地1
電話 0574-67-2105 FAX 68-0066 E-mail kyowa-jh@mail.town.mitake.gifu.jp
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/preload/InstallerChecker.class.php line 32
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/preload/ThemeSelect.class.php line 32
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/preload/Cacheclear.class.php line 26
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/preload/Cacheclear.class.php line 29
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/pm/preload/Preload.class.php line 10
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/pm/preload/Preload.class.php line 36
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/pm/preload/Preload.class.php line 61
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/pm/preload/Preload.class.php line 86
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/bulletin/class/bulletin.php line 208
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/bulletin/class/bulletin.php line 494
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/user.php line 521
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/user.php line 542
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/user.php line 644
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/member.php line 79
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/member.php line 80
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/member.php line 81
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/group.php line 81
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/group.php line 190
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/group.php line 245
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/group.php line 266
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/groupperm.php line 144
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/groupperm.php line 166
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file kernel/groupperm.php line 255
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/kernel/Legacy_RenderSystem.class.php line 126
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/kernel/Legacy_RenderSystem.class.php line 129
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/kernel/Legacy_RenderSystem.class.php line 145
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/kernel/Legacy_RenderSystem.class.php line 538
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/kernel/Legacy_RenderSystem.class.php line 542
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/kernel/Legacy_RenderSystem.class.php line 547
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/main/index.php line 22
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/main/index.php line 26
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/main/index.php line 30
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/main/index.php line 34
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/main/index.php line 38
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/main/index.php line 42
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/include/common_functions.php line 30
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/include/common_functions.php line 31
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelCategory.class.php line 34
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelCategory.class.php line 54
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelCategory.class.php line 64
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelCategory.class.php line 244
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelCategory.class.php line 250
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelContent.class.php line 32
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelContent.class.php line 59
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelContent.class.php line 148
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelContent.class.php line 362
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoModelContent.class.php line 375
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/include/common_prepend.inc.php line 23
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/include/common_prepend.inc.php line 34
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoControllerGetContent.class.php line 26
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoControllerGetContent.class.php line 54
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoControllerGetContent.class.php line 79
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/class/PicoControllerAbstract.class.php line 49
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/list.php line 47
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/list.php line 91
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/list.php line 117
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/menu.php line 15
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/menu.php line 65
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/menu.php line 88
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/content.php line 16
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/content.php line 60
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/content.php line 94
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/subcategories.php line 64
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/subcategories.php line 84
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/mywaitings.php line 53
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/mywaitings.php line 72
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/tags.php line 83
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/modules/pico/blocks/tags.php line 110
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 51
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 54
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 55
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 56
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 57
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 58
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 59
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 60
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 61
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 62
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 63
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 64
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 65
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 66
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 67
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 68
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 69
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 70
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 71
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 72
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 73
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 74
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 76
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 77
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 78
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 79
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 80
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 81
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 82
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 83
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 84
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 85
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 86
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 87
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 88
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 89
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 90
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 91
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 92
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 93
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 94
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 95
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 96
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 97
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 98
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 99
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 100
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 101
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 102
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 103
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 104
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 105
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 106
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 107
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 108
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 109
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 110
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 111
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 112
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 113
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 114
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 115
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 116
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 117
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 118
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 119
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 120
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 123
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 124
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 125
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 126
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 130
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 131
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 132
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 133
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 134
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 135
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 136
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 137
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 138
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 139
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 140
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 141
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 142
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 143
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 144
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 145
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 146
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 147
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 148
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 151
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 152
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 155
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/include/functions.php line 156
Unknown Condition [8192]: Function eregi() is deprecated in file modules/logcounterx/blocks/count_up.php line 97
Warning [PHP]: Parameter 1 to StdCache_Initialize::setForModule() expected to be a reference, value given in file core/XCube_Delegate.class.php line 356
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file 41003_trust_path/libs/smartyplugins/function.d3comment.php line 42
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/kernel/Legacy_EventFunctions.class.php line 22
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/kernel/Legacy_EventFunctions.class.php line 42
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/kernel/Legacy_EventFunctions.class.php line 59
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/kernel/Legacy_EventFunctions.class.php line 202
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/class/theme.php line 46
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacy/class/theme.php line 52
Unknown Condition [8192]: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in file modules/legacyRender/kernel/DelegateFunctions.class.php line 26